List of Recognized Buttons

Here is a list of the buttons recognized by the site and their destination.

Button TextActive?Destination
aboutYesAbout GLYCAM-Web
adNoAutomated Docking Utilitiy
buildhelpYesCustom Builder Documentation
buttonsYesButtons Documentation
cbYesCarbohydrate Builder
cfglibsSemiCFG Libraries
chnlibYesComplex Hybrid N-linking Library
contactYesContacting the Folks at GLYCAM-Web
ctlibNoComplex-Type Library
currentparamsYesCurrent GLYCAM Parameters
devsiteYesThe GLYCAM-Web Development Site
docsYesGLYCAM-Web Main Documentation
energyfunctionsYesEnergy Functions
ffhelpYesForce Field Documentation
gagYesThe Glycosaminoglycan (GAG) Builder
gcpNoThe Glyco-Complex Builder
gemsSemiGLYCAM Extensible Modeling Script (GEMS)
glycamrefsYesReference Information
gmmlSemiGLYCAM Molecular Modeling Library
gpYesGlycoprotein Builder
grNoAutomated Grafting
helpYesGeneral Help for GLYCAM-Web
hmlibYesHigh Mannose Library
namingYesNaming in the GLYCAM Force Fields
paramsYesAll GLYCAM Parameters
pdbYesPDB Preprocessor
sfclibYesSialylated and Fucosylated Complex Library
txtYesBuild By Entering Text
urlYesHow To Build By URL